At the top of each page, and the bottom of long pages, you will see some icons:
arrows to move you to the previous
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page in the content;
a button to expand
all detail on a page or hide it
a button to print
the page and
button to send us feedback on this online help.
There is usually a short menu, focused around your current page, in a red box and links to other related topics, if any, are in a dotted red box.
Select any picture to enlarge it - select it again to close.
Select any to see extra detail - select
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The text contains links, which look like this one to Aim of Read-a-Card, and uses bubbles to highlight
Code examples
This is how the online help is structured:
Getting Started
Answers high level questions to get you started
Configuration options and features
More involved configuration and interfacing to third-party applications
All of the online help is also available in PDF User Guides. Follow the link below.
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