Using plug‑ins

Read‑a‑Card supports plug‑in extensions in the form of DLL files. These DLL files reside in the Plugins folder within the Read‑a‑Card application folder
(C:\Program Files\Read-a-Card\Plugins).

Read-a-Card will display all available plug‑ins in the Card ID source dropdown menu on the Format tab. All plug‑ins have the 'Plug‑in:' prefix in that menu.

Format tab choosing custom decoder

Some plug‑ins only require that Read‑a‑Card is licensed for the plug‑in to function; others require specific configuration data. If a plug‑in appears in the dropdown list but is 'greyed out', it is unable to work for one of these reasons.

Note:  Only one plug‑in can be in use at any time.

Clicking on the Help icon next to the format dropdown box will pop-up an information window showing the currently selected plug‑in format name, version, and other features. This window also contains a link to edit the .ini configuration file for the plug‑in and a link to help in this online help.

Note:  Only one plug‑in can be in use at any time.

Some plug‑ins require that Read‑a‑Card is licensed for the plug‑in to function; others require specific configuration data. If a plug‑in appears in the dropdown list 'greyed out', it is unable to work for one of these reasons.

Clicking on the Help icon next to the format dropdown box will pop-up an information window showing the currently selected plug‑in format name, version, format name and other features. This window also contains a link to edit the .ini configuration file for the plug‑in and a link to help from this online help.