
A DigitMask value indicates how the digits that result from the OutputFormat process should be distributed between the facility code and card ID.

For example:


Only f (facility code) and c (card number) characters in the DigitMask have any meaning. Any other characters indicate that the corresponding digit is to be ignored.

So, with the above DigitMask example, if the result of reading and formatting the data is the value 123456789012, the mask will match the data like this:




Facility code =345

Card number = 78901

Note: By default any mask is left aligned with the data. Setting MaskAlignment=1 would align the mask with the right hand edge of the card data. Setting MaskAlignment=0 returns the default behaviour.

If you need the extracted facility code and/or card number to be padded with leading zeros, use:



Using these extra settings with the above example, would yield a facility code of 0345 and a card number of 0078901. The resulting ID (combined facility code and card number) would be 03450078901.