Web server example

When an end‑user presents a card to a reader, with Read‑a‑Card set up in this way, a web page will be populated with data from the presented card.

Example card opening URL with card ID field populated

Steps to set this up in Read‑a‑Card:

  1. Card Type tab - change the default from Select icon All Cards, if you only want Read-a-Card to react to certain card types.

  2. Reader Type tab - change the default from Select icon All supported PC/SC Contactless Card Readers only if you want to restrict the readers to use.

  3. Action tab - optionally, select Select icon Play sound to give confirmation a card has been read.

  4. Format tab - control how data should be read from the card.

  5. Web Server tab - choose Select icon Enable Read‑a‑Card web server on this computer and optionally alter the port number from its default and set the domain name of the requesting page, or type * to allow any page.

External to Read‑a‑Card you will need to set up your web page to make use of this card information. The Web page example is useful as a starting point.

Versions of the Read‑a‑Card web server may also be available for Linux and Mac OSX. Please contact support@read-a-card.com for more information.